Jan 01

I see the New Year as a great opportunity to raise the bar and start as you mean to go on. I’ve always been a big advocate of new years resolutions on both a professional and personal level; in fact I opened the doors to my marketing consultancy on 1st January 2015 for that very […]

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Feb 22

I recall my early years in brand management, working on my first ever press campaign, back then I worked for a large pharmaceutical company with big budgets, so no one batted an eye lid when the ad agency gave us a quote for tens of thousands of pounds for two relatively simple press ads. Someone […]

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Oct 11

I have just returned from three fabulous days away facilitating our Art of Prioritisation workshop at the Marketing Forum, I was fortunate enough to meet some really interesting and inspiring people, it’s amazing how much a good dose of debate and discussion can get your grey matter going. The Marketing Forum is a great event […]

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Jul 07

Great ideas seldom come when you are forced to come up with them, instead they are more likely to arise when you clear your thoughts and allow your mind to wander… I have come to realise that there are certain times of the day or activities that are conducive to allowing me to escape from […]

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Jun 25

Not sure if it’s an age thing, or if it’s down to the fact I’ve spent more time recently working for not for profit clients, whose businesses genuinely do something positive for society, yet they have modest marketing budgets and therefore need to make every penny spend count, that I find myself getting really annoyed at […]

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Apr 12

Today, as I cheered on the Brighton Marathon 2015 runners, it reminded me what a truly amazing feat it is to dedicate oneself to the training needed to complete the 26.2 miles.  As I shook my little girl’s maraca (beats getting sore hands from clapping), shouting out well done, you can do it, not long […]

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Mar 27

Well that’s the first quarter of this year almost over and I can honestly say it’s been a great three months for us at The Progress Lab! We officially started working for our new client Family Futures on the 1st March and we are absolutely loving it! Not only are they providing a wonderful service […]

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Mar 05

I’ve been working on the training materials for our Writing Briefs and Assessing Agency Responses programme and decided that if I am going to be providing guidance to marketers on this subject, then I need genuine insights from ‘the horses mouth’ – agencies that is! Many of my friends and acquaintances on the agency side […]

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Feb 26

So that’s February nearly over and The Progress Lab is another month older! I think it’s fair to say it’s definitely been a month of celebrations – putting Valentines Day, Pancake Day and Chinese New Year to one side, it was also my 40th birthday and I certainly took celebrating it to a whole new […]

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Jan 28

It’s almost a month since The Progress Lab opened it’s doors and I’m pleased to say it’s been great so far. We’ve been busy preparing all of our materials to support the services we are offering which has been both enjoyable and mentally challenging.  I am pleased we decided to add Marketing Training  & Development […]

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